Thursday, July 19, 2012

The prerequisite "beginning" post

I am not a blogger. It took me well over an hour to set this up, the majority of which consisted of picking colors and fonts. To say the least, I am indecisive. I'm also fairly lazy. Which leads to the "why" behind giving up the last hour of my life to pick colors and fonts. I am lazy. I eat poorly. I'm considered overweight and on the border of being obese. I have no willpower. And I'm turning thirty this year.

My age shouldn't have anything to do with how I eat or how much I weigh, but for some reason I've decided that I'm not okay with turning thirty with a Body Mass Index over 25 (FYI - a BMI over 25 makes you overweight; 30+ makes you obese).

I have tried many, many, different things to force some semblance of willpower on myself from bribes to a buddy-system to an inner-drill sergeant voice telling me how lazy I'm being. The latter of which, by the way, does nothing more than make you feel worse about yourself, in case you were thinking of trying it for yourself.

So here I am, picking colors and fonts to start a blog as a (semi) public proclamation of my refusal to turn thirty overweight. I will eat better. I will get off my lazy ass and do something, anything, that resembles exercise, and on a regular basis. I will lose weight, and I will do so this year.

This is my accountability. I don't think it will be glamorous or funny or even remotely interesting to read. But it will be real - if I am nothing else I am certainly honest - and will include my flaws and cravings and pure hatred of exercise, I'm sure. And if I think even one person is looking at this....well, that's enough to keep me motivated.

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