Sunday, July 29, 2012

One week down

I have survived a week. Of course, with the help of my cheating ways. 

This week's weight (as of Saturday):

I learned something this week! Blogging takes up time. I had an incredibly busy week at work which required after hours creation of trainings and I thought about picking up the laptop at night. But that's as far as things got. 

Best pizza we've found in Texas.
- I had a diet soda or two (or five)
- I have yet to make it to the gym.
- I most definitely did not go to Weight Watchers yesterday. I have a good excuse - my last weight there was somewhere around 181, and it will do more damage to my already cracked willpower to see a higher number on the scale there. So....I will need to wait until I am back there. Hopefully next week? Realistically, the week after. 
- I had movie popcorn. And sour punch straws. But it was during the IMAX showing of the Dark Knight Rises. How is that not warranted???
- I had pizza at Cavalli's for lunch one day.

- I chose very well when I was forced to eat out at restaurants due to traveling for work. And I only drank iced tea at said restaurants.
- I only had half the pizza.
- We cooked!
- My snacking has been limited to low-cal frozen fruit bar things from walmart. They're actually really good and don't cost a fortune....the trick is not to eat 3 of them in one sitting. 

Things are back to a somewhat normal pace in life this week. I need to figure out a way to get some exercise in. I have Zumba Rush for Xbox, and it's fun. But I think I piss off the downstairs neighbors when I do it. The last time I was consistently getting my zumba on, we had a phone call from the front office about the noise. No, I'm too nice. Too bad for them....I'll risk the call. Look at me, being a rebel. All in the name of Skinny!!

Goals this week:
Piss off the neighbors (zumba)
No. More. Soda. 

This week's menu is planned. Goals are in place. Off I go - looking for more wins next week. 

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