Friday, July 20, 2012

The Last Hurrah

Well, if you start a blog, you need to write in it. What's the point if you're going to make your public proclamation and then ignore the thing for days?

Unfortunately, I had the extremely good sense to start my venture while on vacation. While every meal I have is coming from a restaurant or a microwave, and while the word 'exercise' is non-existent.

Tonight is our last night on vacation, so it's the last hurrah, so to speak. When you go on a diet or decide that you're going to finally lose some weight, what's the last thing you do? You eat the worst possible meal you can think of! If you think about it, it really makes absolutely no sense at all. You are adding to what you need to lose! If it was 50 pounds, well now make it 55, thanks to the triple chocolate brownie sundae you just had to have.
If it's not bigger, it's in the shape of Texas.

This week, I have indulged in waffles on a daily basis. Not just any waffle, these are Texas-shaped waffles. In case you were wondering, every city in Texas has the shape of Texas everywhere - billboards, signs, pamphlets, waffles. Seriously proud.

In addition to the waffle-indulgence, we have snacked our way through the land of high-fat and cheap. I couldn't stay away from my Favorite Snack Ever, even for a week - sweet n sour twizzler twists. If you have never had them, I highly recommend never going near them. Highly addictive. I will eat the whole bag in one sitting, likely within a half hour. A great way to spend 1000 calories, I'm sure.

So after my margaritas and twizzlers and brownie fudge sundae, we head home tomorrow. Tomorrow, which will also be a horrible day for nutrition. But I will be home, and with the promise of better food, better choices, and more exercise. I will also have the opportunity to post my "beginning" stats - can you believe it, a girl will actually be revealing her true weight! I know, you're on the edge of your seats in anticipation. I can tell.

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