Saturday, July 21, 2012

Home...and stats

We're finally home from vacation, and it's time to put up my stats. Before I do that, though, I'll share what I've learned this week.

Meet Bucc-ee
- Just because you don't feel yourself getting fatter does not mean you can continue eating until your stomach hurts.
- Eating until your stomach hurts is a Very Bad Idea. One of those things you will regret 100% of the time.
- Bucc-ee's is an amazing truck stop on road trips, filled only with things to eat that are horrible for you. Beaver Nuggets, anyone? Think corn pops covered in caramel. Your mouth is watering too, isn't it?
- It is very possible to gain back 9 of the 10 pounds you spent a month working hard to lose, in just a week.

I say I learned these things...I should probably say that I relearned them. I knew all of this before I even embarked on my journey to the Texas Coast. And once again, the reason for this blog. I have no will power! Beaver nuggets, yum! Twizzlers, yum! Steak, brownie sundae, burritos, chips, yum yum yum! This just has to end.

So here I am. Home, back in the routine, and most importantly, no excuses. I share my starting weight and measurements. I will update my weight every Saturday. I will go to the Weight Watchers meetings that I have been paying for, and I will go every weekend I am able (the only excusable absence is Ryan's soccer games, usually inconveniently scheduled around the same time as meetings). I will do some form of exercise at least three times per week, to start. I will not drink any soda, even diet. I will make this happen, for once in the last 6 years I've been 'trying'.

Measurements - 7/21/12
Height - 5' 7"
Weight - 188.8 lbs
BMI - 29.6
Waist - 40"
Hips - 44.5"
Clothing size - 14, sometimes a 12 if I'm lucky

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