Saturday, August 18, 2012

I skipped a week!

Ahhh but never fear. I did not skip a week due to weakness and laziness. No, I simply put myself in a heavy travel-for-work situation and felt like doing absolutely nothing last Saturday as it was one of my 1.5 days home in a week's time. I guess that could fall under the definition of laziness, but I place it in the category of worth it.

I know the suspense is killing you, so here is my weight, along with this month's measurements:
Weight: 178.2
BMI: 27.9
Waist: 39"  
Hips: 43.5"

It has been much easier to not eat crap on a daily basis, and I have been able to contain my inner-pig when eating out at restaurants. Steve and I have not eaten anything out in weeks, which has saved us an incredible amount of money and calories. We never really ate at sit-down restaurants, but subway, sonic, chik-fil-a, etc add up. Unfortunately, I am forced to eat at restaurants when I travel for work. And I am very happy to report that at each one I visited, I ate off of the lighter, skinny, or lowcal menu. I've found it easy to do so and the weight loss has helped with that.

Laziness is still a part of my life. I do not exercise. I know that this magic loss will end and I will need to get up and do something in order to continue losing. My current excuse is this horrible pain in my shoulder/neck/back that I think is a result of some sort of pulled muscle thing going on. Deep breaths hurt, laying on my back hurts....hopefully in a day or so it will go away. Because I am surely not going to be running or dancing around to zumba with it the way it is.

So there it month later, a little over 10 pounds lost. I don't think I will maintain a 10 pound/month loss rate, especially if I don't start exercising, but I'm going to bask in it while I can. Feeling really positive about myself and very motivated. On to month two!

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