Saturday, August 18, 2012

I skipped a week!

Ahhh but never fear. I did not skip a week due to weakness and laziness. No, I simply put myself in a heavy travel-for-work situation and felt like doing absolutely nothing last Saturday as it was one of my 1.5 days home in a week's time. I guess that could fall under the definition of laziness, but I place it in the category of worth it.

I know the suspense is killing you, so here is my weight, along with this month's measurements:
Weight: 178.2
BMI: 27.9
Waist: 39"  
Hips: 43.5"

It has been much easier to not eat crap on a daily basis, and I have been able to contain my inner-pig when eating out at restaurants. Steve and I have not eaten anything out in weeks, which has saved us an incredible amount of money and calories. We never really ate at sit-down restaurants, but subway, sonic, chik-fil-a, etc add up. Unfortunately, I am forced to eat at restaurants when I travel for work. And I am very happy to report that at each one I visited, I ate off of the lighter, skinny, or lowcal menu. I've found it easy to do so and the weight loss has helped with that.

Laziness is still a part of my life. I do not exercise. I know that this magic loss will end and I will need to get up and do something in order to continue losing. My current excuse is this horrible pain in my shoulder/neck/back that I think is a result of some sort of pulled muscle thing going on. Deep breaths hurt, laying on my back hurts....hopefully in a day or so it will go away. Because I am surely not going to be running or dancing around to zumba with it the way it is.

So there it month later, a little over 10 pounds lost. I don't think I will maintain a 10 pound/month loss rate, especially if I don't start exercising, but I'm going to bask in it while I can. Feeling really positive about myself and very motivated. On to month two!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I.M. Sweat-E

Well, I did it. I got off my lazy ass and did something that required physical exertion, turned my face red, and made me sweaty. I zumba'd. Go me.

Now, let's not get all excited here - I may have turned on the zumba, but I did so tonight. Technically, I did not complete last week's goal. Are we surprised? We shouldn't be, because this is what lazy people do...we make goals. We say, "I am going to do this!!", and we never ever do it. But I'm making progress, slow progress.

Weight as of Saturday, 8/4:

I do feel good about the loss. It really helps when the (food) sacrifices you make pay off. It's when I don't lose despite doing everything right that I start getting frustrated. I know that day is coming, it's a natural part of the weight loss process, so I best ready myself and get my willpower going while it's good.

This week I only ate out once, and it was because I had made shopping plans with a friend that happened to last over a meal time. It was not our usual "we don't feel like cooking tonight so let's go get fast food", so I feel okay about that. We went to cheesecake factory where I proceeded to order off of the skinnylicious menu - the White Chicken Chili. Folks, if you've never had it and you're looking for a darn good soupy chili thing, seriously get it. It is GOOD. And they say it's under 590 I'll say it's about 700 (let's be realistic). For a meal, that's not damn bad.

Our challenge is really cooking. We need things that will last for several meals/days that we can easily reheat during the week. Unfortunately, a lot of the things that we have in our cooking repertoire that fall in that category also fall in the not-so-great-for-you category. Like lasagna. It lasted 4 days, lunches and dinners! But I'm pretty sure it was not the best thing I could have been eating. Also in our quick but no good arsenal - spaghetti w/kielbasa or meatballs, or manwich. Yes, we eat like bachelors.

I have felt positive about how well I've been doing. It's been easy to turn down the constant offerings of sweets and foods at work, as well as the lunch date requests. Oh, how I would love to say yes, and I almost did on Friday. What is it about Fridays that makes us want to spend our money on lunches? But I resisted.

This week, and next, will be a test. I will be traveling Wed-Fri, and then again next Monday through Wednesday or Thursday. With travel, comes no cooking. And this week's travel will likely involve some lunches or dinners with work-folk, so I can't even just grab a salad at the grocery store for dinner if that's the case.

So with the last couple of weeks' positive progress, I move forward and face my travel challenges. Next Saturday's weight will tell the truth!