Sunday, September 2, 2012

A good reason for being away

In my last post, I mentioned some shoulder pain that wouldn't go away and I must have done something really bad to my shoulder and that's why I couldn't do any sort of exercise. Well, there was a great reason for that pain!

Turns out, I was suffering from bilateral pulmonary emboli, which is fancy-schmancy speak for quite a few blood clots in both of my lungs. That was extraordinarily fun to find out on a Monday morning, and even more fun to find out I'd be spending the next 5 days in the hospital. Given that last Saturday was my first morning out of the hospital, I did not post an update.

But alas, here I am with my new Coumadin regimen. I am doing better, the shoulder pain is gone (by the way, the pain was from portions of my lung suffering from loss of oxygenation. Bad stuff!), and I am starting to get more energy back. I will not be exercising quite yet....I still get dizzy easily. It's not really dizzy in the normal dizzy-sense. The best way I can describe it is if you think about how you feel when you don't eat all day and you try to do some sort of physical work....that's how I feel all day. Except I am eating, I swear!

And on the eating front, I am doing fairly well still. I have eaten out twice since my return - once the day of my release because we needed lunch pronto and everything at home required too much time, and again this weekend. Both times were fairly decent meals - I did not overdo it at either. I am having a harder time this past week with willpower. I really really really want stuff that isn't good for me. Only once did I break down. Yes, I did it, I am admitting. I had twizzler filled twists. You just don't understand how ridiculously good these things are. Re-dic-you-lus.

Anyway! Despite my twizzlers and 2 eat-outs, I have done very well over the past two weeks, losing 5 lbs. Clothes are fitting better, or worse...but worse because they're starting to hang and that looks bad. But it's a good bad. :)

This week's numbers:
Weight: 173.2
BMI: 27.1

Feeling good about that! I'm on the lower half of the 170's, which means pretty soon I'll be in the 160's. I'm so so so excited. I'm almost halfway to my goal! This blog, for whatever reason, has helped to kick me in the ass and get me going. I knew something had to work eventually!